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Created on: 08/15/21 08:18 AM

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Grn14's Gravatar

Location: Montana

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08/15/21 8:18 AM

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 8/15/2021 @ 8:20 AM *

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Hub's Gravatar

Joined: 02/05/09

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08/15/21 9:28 AM

Lucky Boy!

Last crash reminded me how instantly fast shit happens. I stay to the right, speed limit or less. In the middle of a wolf pack, I step it up just to get to the open space ahead, sure. No one around, that's a different story.

And on those occasions when 'ol speedy passes? He's waiting up at the light and I'm rolling up to it, just about to turn Grn!

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Grn14's Gravatar

Location: Montana

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08/15/21 9:45 AM

LOL.Yeah,it was a bit lucky.I didn't see that oncoming car until I made my choice to squirt around.By then I was committed.THANKFULLY that car was hugging their right shoulder,gave me plenty of room,though I don't think they saw me either UNTIL....lolThis aint the first time some yahoo has stopped in a blindish curve.Just don't get watt these drivers are thinking?Like he couldn't just go around?You can see he has plenty of room.Geez.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 8/15/2021 @ 9:48 AM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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08/15/21 10:12 AM

Yeah, I see there's a piece of heavy equipment rolling on the shoulder. I guess the car in front didn't want to fly by three feet away from the tractor and he didn't want to cross the solid line. I had something like this happen last summer. A truck was towing a boat on a trailer ahead of me. I slowed way down to let him get far enough ahead to allow me to speed up through the corners. I did but when I came up over a hill, there was the trailer at the bottom barely crawling. The driver slowed way down to turn onto a small dirt road and all I could do was throw out the anchor and veer around him. Those are the risks of riding on the road. After my most recent incident, I don't know if I'll take those risks anymore. I don't even know if I'll be taking the risk of track riding to tell you the truth. I know something will get me sooner or later but I'm thinking, "why set myself up for it?" Life's just getting rolling and I don't feel old enough to die right now. Maybe in ten years I'll start living on the edge a little more again.

* Last updated by: Rook on 8/15/2021 @ 10:13 AM *


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Grn14's Gravatar

Location: Montana

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RE&#x3a&#x3b; WHEEEEEE&#x21&#x3b;
08/15/21 11:19 AM

You BETTA get that Busa out and roll some.Even a mild cruise.You don't want this incident to take away the good times you have riding.It's just another experience in your awesome life!You know riding a bike is always a risk.Sa'll good man.Even if ya go look at yer Busa sitting there,it all counts.Fear is a good thing.Overblown fear paralyzes ya.Can't let that happen.IMO.
In all my riding,wrecking and close calls,I've never considered ditching my riding.Pondering what happened,yeah.Makes for a smarter rider.No idea what the future holds.Just a day at a time.That's enough for now.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 8/15/2021 @ 11:25 AM *

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Hub's Gravatar

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08/15/21 11:26 AM

I'm one of the old goats here, Rook. Slow down and enjoy the dodging at slower speeds. I let them wiz bye. Ticket within ticket... That says I just finished traffic school and it's only good within so many years... of paying out more for my premiums. So I've been a good boy ever since.

The same old game of knowing the road and you have a timing advantage to be the dart; as you look in the rear view mirror seeing the danger grow smaller and smaller.

Hey, at least you got a taste of the closed course experience. You did your bucket list check off. We play the odds with the bikes on the street don't forget the fun there. Life just got rolling is a song title, right? WHEEEEEE!

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Rook's Gravatar

Joined: 03/28/09

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08/15/21 12:57 PM

You BETTA get that Busa out and roll some.Even a mild cruise.You don't want this incident to take away the good times you have riding.It's just another experience in your awesome life!You know riding a bike is always a risk.Sa'll good man.Even if ya go look at yer Busa sitting there,it all counts.Fear is a good thing.Overblown fear paralyzes ya.Can't let that happen.IMO.

I might get the busa out before the weather gets cold but it will only be a leisurely ride just so I don't loose the feel of it. Yeah, everything in life is a risk. Some things up the aunty quite a bit but it's possible to get killed doing something as harmless as hanging Christmas decorations. A few years ago, my dad dropped a ratchet from the second story and it hit me on the wrist. If that were my head, I could have been a goner.

I'm one of the old goats here, Rook. Slow down and enjoy the dodging at slower speeds. I let them wiz bye. Ticket within ticket... That says I just finished traffic school and it's only good within so many years... of paying out more for my premiums. So I've been a good boy ever since.

After I got my big speeding violation, I went slow for two years. Then I just went fast where I knew there were no cops. Now deer show that they are a real threat as well as other motorists. I'm sure anyone who rides on a track long enough finds those risks to become realities too. It's just a risky thing. I'm not givong up the bikes though. Those will always be a part of my life.


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