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Thread: facebook old flames

Created on: 05/29/12 12:11 PM

Replies: 103


Rook's Gravatar

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facebook old flames
05/29/12 12:11 PM

Is this something that just happens in Spring? I guess it is but aren't we a little late? This is the third one now in ---two weeks?

I'm 45. Why didn't all these girls contact me 20 years ago?

I mean it's fun and all but DAMN THEM! Damn them all to HELL!


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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


Philadelphia, PA

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RE: facebook old flames
05/29/12 12:15 PM

I just turned my profile off today, I am getting fed up with the whole FB thing.

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/29/12 12:19 PM there a HS reunion coming up?


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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


Philadelphia, PA

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RE: facebook old flames
05/29/12 12:37 PM

is there a HS reunion coming up?

Lol, In 2003 I tried to find out if they were planning something for our 30th year high school reunion but there was none. But in hindsight, I am not sure I want to be in the same room with some of those folks. lol

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/29/12 12:45 PM

Hiya Kofla!....hope you're gettin some good rides in....and whippersnapper...just a pup...45....SHEESH BOTH you guys....youngsters!

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 5/29/2012 @ 12:45 PM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/29/12 1:41 PM

^^^I sure do feel like it Grn. What with all these sweet, young, 45ish things hot on my ass.


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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/29/12 2:29 PM

I'm a Facebook STUD!


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hagrid's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/29/12 4:23 PM

I mean it's fun and all but DAMN THEM! Damn them all to HELL!

Easy there Charleton... heres what you do.
You are relatively freshly divorced with at least one Ladybug yes? This... as Darryl Waltrip says... puts YOU in the "cat-bird" seat.
Consider this young man:

-the freshly divorced part means they think you are starved for womanly attention... and you would do well to let them to continue thinking that.
they dont need to know you've been wading, waist deep, in twenty-something-old poon for months now.

-the posession of one or more Ladybugs is a boon the likes of which I cannot overstate. It conveys to them the possibility
of orally ensnaring a daddy for their demon spawn. The trick is to side-step the snare... not the oral.

-there are three of 'em sniffing around you? only fair thing to do is let 'em wrassle each other in a kiddie pool filled with pudding. winner gets to pleasure
you first and gets to determine who goes second, third, etc.

Hope this helps bud... and happy humping... i mean hunting!


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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/29/12 5:25 PM

^^^That is hilarious.

orally ensnaring a daddy for their demon spawn

Well, I guess we will just see. This latest one, i had NO CLUE she ever had any interest in me. I know I sure had the hots for her but I always thought she was way out of my league. Never had the nerve to ask her out. She's single now so I'm thinking "game on."


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hagrid's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/29/12 5:51 PM

And we musnt forget this little gem: posting pics of your dates where the ex can see them!
Oh! Oh YES!! I can almost TASTE her seething rage!
You've earned this opportunity Rook; savor it! Be classy of course... but with just a hint of "see what the hot chicks want? Thats right loser ex-wife! The Rookster! SUCK IT!!".


Yoshis!! GO NINJEE!!!

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COOTER's Gravatar


South West Florida

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RE: facebook old flames
05/29/12 11:37 PM

Why didn't all these girls contact me 20 years ago?

Because guy’s were willing to fuck them then!!And now that they’re not your up to bat!

Team panda (ride safe ride sober)

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/30/12 12:10 AM

oooof harsh, COOTS!

The thought crossed my mind but after spending 3.5 hours solid chat and cruising the pics, this girl looks just like HS. I would have recognized her immediately. I know i know your saying look out rook! It's the proverbial facebook photo! well I knew this girl way back when. She's still just as fine as ever.

So, I might finally have the hot babe on my bike pics I always wanted. Might even let you peek COOTS. heheheh


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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/30/12 12:13 AM

They may have their you tear us torn out and Cody does not mess with, 'Cutters.' They have to 28 day me with the unspents about to be shut down. Those are the 45 year old hornies talking to you, Rook? They bleed, but the egg crate is getting empty by the year.

Time for doctor pull it out and I'm sticking out no thanks. Wadding waste deep sort of fills the kleenex, like I need their laundry list the lust goes out the window in about 8-months is out the door. Any longer and it is tears out the other end, where asshe should be deep throating, looking directly into Cody's hair due.

Be careful!

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/30/12 12:27 AM

And we musnt forget this little gem: posting pics of your dates where the ex can see them!
Oh! Oh YES!! I can almost TASTE her seething rage!
You've earned this opportunity Rook; savor it! Be classy of course... but with just a hint of "see what the hot chicks want? Thats right loser ex-wife! The Rookster! SUCK IT!!".


thank you, hagrid. I am sincerely laughing my ass off over here!

As much as I would love too set it up, I'd have to let the clash of the titans happen impromptu! But oh yes, trust me, it would happen and the x's nose would be rubbed in it. The best revenge would be just to be happy which I would.


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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/30/12 1:49 AM

Those are the 45 year old hornies talking to you, Rook? They bleed, but the egg crate is getting empty by the year.

a schmorgesbord of opportunity!

Be careful!

Being careful is my stock in trade. Not a whole lot else going for me....except in this case, a 25 year old itch that never got scratched.

K, having a hard time getting my head around this, guys. Lemme paint a picture for you all. The Rookster, a gangly awkward, middleschool virgin who was not likely to upgrade status for many years. By HS things going ok in the physical dept but otherwise, still pretty much of a dork as ever walked the face of the earth. Along comes Shelley so hot and so grown up I never in my wildest dreams would have thought about saying anything to her. This was a tiny town. HS of 500 students. 75 in my graduating class and this girl was just not something for the Rookster to torcher himself thinking about.

So you prolly are getting an image here. All along she had some sort of interest in me and I never had a clue. Not the slightest. I ran into here face to face in a doorway once and just said "hi" and walked around her. 1985 gone just a memory and not that nagging of a memory cuz like I said, I really had no business remembering her in the first place. So now we are FB friends and we get along like we were old chums and maybe almost like chums that sucked some face now and then. The door is wide open for me to just ask her out. Easy.

The clincher: I look at all of her friends and it is everyone in my dinkyass hometown that had enough money or social standing to stay there (which is not me).

So what is this? Is anyone aware of some kind of facebook scam going on? Is this some sort of experiment or what? I don't get it.


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KoflaOlivieri's Gravatar


Philadelphia, PA

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RE: facebook old flames
05/30/12 8:26 AM

Rook, what do you have to lose, you are both two consenting adults. Are you still intimidated by her? It is possible she is one of those people who can be very outgoing and charming on the internet. Like those who like to lead people on simply because there is a considerable distance, so for them is safer to flirt.

* Last updated by: KoflaOlivieri on 5/24/2016 @ 5:15 AM *

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/30/12 10:22 AM

Are you still intimidated by her?

No, not anymore however, I don't see fitting in so smoothly with the circle of small town socialites she still is a part of. I get along well with any of them if there is a chance meeting but things suddenly change when there is a group. The group becomes one and then, I'm the other one --but you're right nothing to lose in trying. .

It is possible she is one of those people who can be very outgoing and charming on the internet.

Thought of that. That would be one more thing she and I have in common, LOL! Yoiu may be right though. She might be chatting aong with 3 or 4 other fellas in between tapping out a message to me-----which would be fine. If she's husband shopping or just flirting for fun, that's fine. At least I know she's single cuz if she is married, I will find out in short order. Parents still live there and I visit at least 1/month.

The last one made it clear she was looking for a roll in the hay almost immediately (fortunately or unfortunately). This one did not mention anything of the sort.

COOTIE, I can click and drag the FB page photos and post just to show you how hot a 40 year old piece can be....but that would be asking for trouble. I am tempted. If they ever found out bye-bye bootayyyy! Not to mention, if anything more or less serious happened, that might lead in bad direction later on.

* Last updated by: Rook on 5/30/2012 @ 10:23 AM *


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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/30/12 10:25 AM

maybe if I cropped their face out?? nahhhh.


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hagrid's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/30/12 3:21 PM

Cmon Rook. You and I both know an afternoon face-to-face at Starbucks is clearly indicated here.
Be sure to pick a good weather day... your Ninjee will make a perfect convo starter.

@Hub: "you tear us" = uterus. I had to dig deep for that one bud. Pun intended (haha Cody)


* Last updated by: hagrid on 5/30/2012 @ 3:26 PM *

Yoshis!! GO NINJEE!!!

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/30/12 3:56 PM

we have a coffee drinker and a hay roller. I will keep you posted. This should be fun. I'm sorry to disappoint but I'm kind of leaning toward the coffee drinker.


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hagrid's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/30/12 4:04 PM

Enjoy yourself my friend!


Yoshis!! GO NINJEE!!!

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Hub's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/30/12 4:34 PM

Naaaa, Rook. Keep her a mystery. Just about any age is hot when they get up there in age. Besides, it is not about age, it is about hiding Cody up there, chasing climax IS! Oh yeah, and if you do? Make sure she is first... OR, you'll hear about it... Ohhhh, will you hear about it... Don't worry, you'll hear about it. Think ball sports right before you think she is not ready but you are. Works for me I have a bat, ball, and glove in hand, not brake, throttle and clutch levers.

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COOTER's Gravatar


South West Florida

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RE: facebook old flames
05/31/12 12:52 AM

No need to start trouble by posting a pic I know what you’re talking about. But im with you on the coffee drinker and since you already go back to your home town to see your parents you have nothing to lose! But when you see her again don’t revert back to your shy 16 year old self! Make eye contact and be confident and pay attention to what she is saying and for god’s sake watch the body language because for some reason god gave women the ability to talk non-stop about anything but what’s on their mind! But the more comfortable you are the more she will open up to what she wants and is looking for! And if all she wants is a free meal and a ride on the old Rook-O-Coaster I say buy her the all-day pass and enjoy the ride! But from what you have posted I think you are looking for something more long term!

Team panda (ride safe ride sober)

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Rook's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/31/12 10:46 AM

ahahahhaahahah good one CLASSIC HUB hide Cody up there!!! hohohohhhaaaa!

your on target COOTs. I actually had a little spat on the phone with the hay roller last night. The coffee drinker pretty n much grabbed the bull by the horns and wrote me her #s and asked when I'm coming up next!! Done deal. No problem talking to her but I wonder what the reaction within the circle of the elite will be to her screaming around town on the 14?? Gonna be big talk around the pool at the club.


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Maddevill's Gravatar

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RE: facebook old flames
05/31/12 5:03 PM

Hell Rook. You ride the BAD DADDY of all bikes. Of course she wants you now. It shows her you're a bad mutha fugging dude! GO for it!


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