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Thread: Why do they even try ???

Created on: 05/17/09 12:00 AM

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Grand Junction, CO

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Why do they even try ???
05/17/09 6:29 PM

So I'm coming down off the Grand Mesa on the super-fun twisties this afternoon between the little town of Mesa and I-70, and I come up behind 3 Harleys.

The back one had a guy one it, the middle one a very hefty woman, and the one in front a rather oldish, crusty looking guy with a woman sitting behind him.

I sit behind them very patiently through several turns and when it's safe, a quick blip of the throttle puts be behind the bike in the front. I wait a bit longer and notice that the guy in front has picked up his speed. The two bikes I passed are far behind us now.

So we come out of a left turn and I see a right turn coming up, but there is no oncoming traffic. Another quick blip of the throttle and I leave this guy in my dust, but I notice as I go by that he has cranked his throttle wide open. Lots of noise coming out of his pipes, but no perceptible increase in his speed. So he's probably 400 pounds heavier than I am and has 100 fewer horsepower.

I pass him like he's standing still and I have plenty of time to brake for a safe entry into the next corner.

So here's my question: Why do they even try ??? -bg

* Last updated by: bgordon on 5/17/2009 @ 6:31 PM *

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Joined: 05/17/09

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/17/09 6:48 PM

good question.."why do they even try ?" kinda makes you wonder if he was in the fight or flight mode..He could run but he couldnt hide. Lots of the cruiser guys here in North Ga. do that..when they whack the throttle there is a definite increase in db but with an empty kind of straight pipe a lawn mower with no muffler..
Way I figure if they have a nazi helmet they cant see much above 80 anyway..then the chin strap starts tugging at the neck..

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Joined: 04/07/09

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/17/09 7:40 PM

They try because they drank the coolaid and think they are the baddest mofos on the road. There's no way in hell they want some rice rocket deflating their egos. If I come on a pack clogging things up I'll give them a mile or so to speed up. Then I wait for a safe place to pass and blow 'em into the weeds without looking back. **"safe place to pass" is subject to personal interpretation.

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/17/09 7:57 PM

if they have a nazi helmet they cant see much above 80 anyway

No helmets, no protection of any kind. No brains... -bg

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/17/09 9:18 PM

I think next time I get waved by from a Harley rider,I'm gonna pass and then just cruise at the same speed in front of em.Wonder what would happen there? Maybe they really DO like the Big Ninja afterall

* Last updated by: blue07 on 5/17/2009 @ 9:20 PM *

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East valley Phoenix area

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/18/09 7:06 AM

I love the way the "sheep" look with their white hair and beards wearing only a bandana and leather vests they make me feel warm all over. I think to myself "what real men and women these folks are, its too bad more sportbike riders don't dress like that".LOL

* Last updated by: motomi1 on 5/18/2009 @ 7:07 AM *

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Kruz's Gravatar

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/18/09 7:30 AM

This entire Harley-Davidson phenomenon would make a fascinating case study for someones doctoral thesis in clinical pyschology. It would appear that Harley owners actually buy into the advertising hype that if they drop enough cash on a Harley it will somehow transform their lives. By the simple act of whipping out the Visa or Mastercard and saying "charge it" their lives are in an instant, changed. They will suddenly have friends, command respect, women will lust after them and neighbors will look upon them with awe and envy, it's like something out of a bad movie. No longer a mousy accountant, they have become a Bad Ass Biker complete with the requisite black halfshell helmet, black leather vest and of course H-D logo T-shirt and wallet chain. By the way, exactly what do those wallet chains do anyway? I have not once had my wallet fall out of my back pocket, why Harley riders feel they need this particular accessory is one of life's great mysteries...heavy vibrations maybe? So now that they have bought into the hype that they are riding on the greatest motorcycle ever built, they have to go out and try and prove it. What they don't know is they have just dropped 25 large on a machine with the power of a '57 Volkswagen, reliability of a Yugo and the suspension technology of a Wells Fargo stage coach. After being embarassed a few times by sport bikes, the brighter ones will resolve to just cruise and look "cool" the quintessential mind state of Harleydom. The slow learners just keep coming back for more, my day is not complete unless I can severely humiliate a few of these hill scoggins on two wheels. Occasionally they will catch me out when I'm on my cruiser and extract some revenge. My 1300 cc metric is roughly equivalent to the 88 cubic inch Evo and it's a bit more of a contest but in the end any victory is hollow as it's like saying "my grandmother can outrun your grandmother"!


* Last updated by: Kruz on 5/19/2009 @ 2:08 PM *

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/18/09 7:35 AM

Unfortunately in the name of safety it is often necessary to dispatch an entire pack of bikes like this at once. The key is to do it without being an asshole - give them a lot of room while passing and a good berth swerving in and out.

These people aren't stupid, they know they don't have the horsepower we do. Don't think of it as them believing they stand a chance and trying to race us, think of it like a horse that gallops along the fence when you come by on a dirt bike. He just wants to play!

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Huntington, West Virginia

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/18/09 8:01 AM

Good question, why do they try?? I can't answer it for ya though. I live in the mountains and cruiser central USA, I would guesstimate cruisers comprise 80% of all bikes here Harley's and Harley wannabees. The funny thing is they think they got themselves something, LOL. The old speed up when you pull in behind them syndrome is alive and well here but even ole beater cages do it too. It must be the moonshiner in their blood, even old goats in beater cages will speed up sling gravel from running off the shoulder, squeeling and sliding and crossing over the centerline. I usually just watch 'em for a while then blow by them like they're standing still. My best guess is they are simply clueless.

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Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/18/09 8:59 AM

This entire Harley-Davidson phenomenon would make a fascinating case study for someones doctoral thesis in clinical pyschology.

That would indeed be fascinating. I guess the thing that I just don't get is that sport bikes have been around long enough that the Harley Riders should know by now that there's no way that they can keep up with them. They are living in their own little world for sure. -bg

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gumbybob's Gravatar

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/18/09 10:20 AM

I actually think that most Harley riders, at least the ones I know, think their bikes really are as fast as the rice rockets because they know absolutely NOTHING about the vast differences between them and us. They most likely have never ridden a proper sport bike so they have no idea how fast.... fast really is.
And those that DO realize it will still try to run us when we pass just to see us go faster....or to see us get in trouble getting back in front of them. Then they can laugh at us because all that power means TROUBLE.

And as far as the head gear, I always say, "If you got a five dollar head....get a five dollar helmet."
No helmet?
I guess your head ain't worth nothin'.

over & out

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Kruz's Gravatar

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/18/09 10:38 AM

The biggest problem I have with Harleys or cagers for that matter, is if they can do at least 80 or 90 on the freeway, (and most can) then you can only pass them with about 10 miles an hour to spare, not very impressive. Why so little head room, only 10 mph faster? Cause in the back of my mind I'm thinking "Any thing over 100 mph and it's go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars and to add insult, your bike gets picked up and put in a crusher". So the real issue when humiliating these clowns is do you really want to risk going to jail to prove you can outrun a Harley? Now catch em outside of town with a clear ribbon of highway in front of you and no local law enforcement in sight and yeeeeeehaaaaaaaw can blow by 'em so fast your wake turbulence sucks the air out of their ham cans. Now dats sum fun!

I also agree most of them do not have a clue how fast a modern sportbike is. I remember trying to chase down a couple of 600 Supersports coming off a light when I first got my VTX. I guess I'm just a tad brighter than your average Harley guy cause I learned right quick you ain't ever gonna keep up.


* Last updated by: Kruz on 5/19/2009 @ 2:14 PM *

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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heathun's Gravatar

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/19/09 12:22 PM

The sad part is some of them do think they have what it takes. I ran into a guy on a VROD that siad "My Rod can keep up with the sportbikes" and the whole time he said this he had a serious expression. I'm sure he was confused while I smirked at this.

I've run across one bad bike for a harley on the road and it was pretty impressive when he left the light I could see his front wheel in the air in my mirror for a brief period of time.

* Last updated by: heathun on 5/19/2009 @ 12:23 PM *

"You don't quit riding because you get old, You get old because you quit riding"!

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/19/09 2:16 PM

I could see his front wheel in the air in my mirror for a brief period of time.

Dats good!


* Last updated by: Kruz on 5/19/2009 @ 2:21 PM *

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/19/09 8:08 PM

This sounds like typical Harley bashing by ricers which is no worse than ricer bashing by Harley people. How many sport bikers look at metric cruisers like they are crap and that is ricer on ricer. The standard riders look at the sport bike rider and wonder why every corner is a race track. My friend keeps his 2008 SuperGlide in my gayrage and when I decide to HD it for a couple hours I get no respect with a wave back from most non-HD bikers yet I wave at all. When the ricers enjoy their flyby down the interstate I will kick it up because they just became radar blockers for me.
Yes there are a bunch of asswipe HD people out there who think their bike makes them better than the other brands but same goes for other brands that are not HD's.
In my gayrage is a HD, 2 ZRX's, Honda 919, 2008 ZX14 and a 2009 BMW K1300GT so I can ride a SuperGlide, standards, sportbike and a Bavarian Money Waster so I will ride anything and put nobody down for riding what they want. I do have fun with my friends about their rides compared to the beemer. I can get away with it because I sometime work on most of their bikes.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/19/09 10:38 PM

Yer right Lytnin. After all, we are all bikers, enthusiasts of everything on two wheels. Heck, I even take my wife's scooter for a ride once in a while, not to mention that I maintain it.

* Last updated by: Steven14 on 5/20/2009 @ 6:16 AM *

'09 ZX-6R
'94 ZX-11
'07 ZX-14
'08 Vino 125 (hers)

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/20/09 12:28 AM

When I pass-I really think they believe I'm a youngster out of High School.Wonder what they would think if they REALLY knew my age? My motorcycling "hope" is to be riding when I'm 90(if I last that long)!!!On MY NINJA!!!!

* Last updated by: blue07 on 5/20/2009 @ 12:29 AM *

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kawnow's Gravatar

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/20/09 1:17 AM

Well around the Harley type usually just wave me on. Which I think is kind of nice saves me from passing them and missing some good curves in the road. On the other hand the folks in pickups and cars in general try often to speed up through the curves as though they can go as fast or something. After I pass them they are out of view in a few seconds maybe 10 literally. They are going that much slower and slowing me down. I think the people in cars etc don't realize that these bikes are capable of cruising the roads at such a pace and under control too.

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/20/09 5:34 AM

I rode the SuperGlyde to work today and the HD guys have already hung a sign out the crib door "Ricers for sale - cheap". These guys are fun to work with and clown with.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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Kruz's Gravatar

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/20/09 7:43 AM

the HD guys have already hung a sign out the crib door "Ricers for sale - cheap".

Sounds good, I'll buy all the "ricers" you got!


2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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Kruz's Gravatar

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/20/09 7:54 AM

This sounds like typical Harley bashing by ricers

Lytnin, it is typical Harley bashing by ricers, this is a ricer forum and most of the folks who ride rice rockets wouldn't be caught dead ridin a "Milwaukee Vibrator". There's a good reason for that, most of us shop value i.e. performance versus dollars spent, we enjoy things like competent handling and extreme power to weight ratios and not breaking the bank in the process. Milwaukees finest is old tech, if you're into nostalgia it may be the right bike for you but most of us here just aren't that into it. I started out riding cruisers and now I find less and less I want to ride the VTX, it's just too pokey. Sure it's pretty with all the chrome and candy paint and if I want to pose down at Starbucks it's the preferred ride but when I really want to "Ride" I'm taking the rice burner.


2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/20/09 8:00 AM

I come back from a meeting and my full face is gone and a half lid in its spot. They at least left my leather jacket and now added the magnetic tank bag on the for sale list. I guess the bag and full face does not fit the image.
I sure hope Jeff gets the same krap I am getting when he rides my ZRX1100 to his job.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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lytnin's Gravatar

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/20/09 8:11 AM

Kruz I have to admit that after getting off a 14 almost anything feels kinda slow and the only way I can describe riding a HD is BORING. I just like to ride different bikes and don't care what they are. I expect HD bashing on a ricer board and vice versa but it amazes me that it is all old school bashing. Ride a sporty from 10 plus years ago and ride a new one then tell me HD has not made changes for the better. Ride an older SuperGlyde then a 2008 and there is a world of difference. Put a good set of rubbers on them and handling will inprove but not up to ricer levels but will still improve. The HD tires are road hazards right off the floor.
The HD image I could care less about but playing on a different bike every now and then is fun. My friend Jeff who own the HD would never go topless or without gear till he got the HD. Now it is a half lid and chaps and no lid where law allows. He even said his old gear did not fit the image.

2015 FJR1300A 2008 ZX14 2001 ZRX1200

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bgordon's Gravatar


Grand Junction, CO

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/20/09 9:31 AM

Kruz I have to admit that after getting off a 14 almost anything feels kinda slow and the only way I can describe riding a HD is BORING


This has been an interesting thread, and I appreciate your comments and respect your opinions. The thing that has been most interesting to me is that you are one of the few people I've communicated with who, after riding a 14, still WANT to ride a Harley once in a while. I think you may be rather unique in that regard. You are in the Harley "culture" but your mind is still open to other rides. You've experience the performance of the 14, but are still open to the Harley.

I think most/many of us get "spoiled" by the performance and wouldn't have a Harley if someone gave us one (unless to sell it and beef up our 14 with the money).

Are there others in your Harley group who are as open to "ricers" as you are? Have you let others in your Harley group ride your 14? -bg

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Kruz's Gravatar

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RE: Why do they even try ???
05/20/09 10:50 AM

Hey Lytnin,it's all in fun! We're all friends here and at the end of the day we can agree to disagree now and then. To be honest Harley has improved their product over the years and it is hard to compete with them on their own turf (nostalgia market). I think the Big Four has found this out the hard way. People will buy a Harley because it is a Harley and if that's what they're looking for then nothing else will substitute. I have to admit I have a bit of a soft spot for the Heritage Softail Classic with the 96 C.I. engine. The engine is a work of art, I will give that to Harley...nobody makes a prettier engine...period! They've all tried and only Yamaha has come close to capturing the look and sound of Harley's mill. One thing I've learned in life, you'll never pass someone by following them. The Japanese need to quit trying to copy Harley and come up with their own niche. It's tough, Harley has the market pretty much sewed up on making Harleys with everyone else (including Victory) making knockoffs. Technically superior knockoffs in most cases but still not the original article. I like the way Suzuki has gone with a short stroke, big bore muscle cruiser in the M-109, fresh styling cues, redefining the performance cruiser market. The C-109? Naaaaa, I'll pass, just another Harley clone. I think this is where the Big Four can dethrone Harley, invent a whole new class of muscle cruiser, light weight, hot contemporary looks, high tech brakes, suspension and handling and lots of engine performance but still maintaining the twin cylinder retro styling, good looks and raucous sound. If I were going to get another cruiser it would be a chromed to the gills M-109 in black. Saw one the other day and it looked ferocious with quarter mile performance 2 seconds quicker than anything out of Milwaukee except maybe the V-Rod.

2021 Aprilia RSV4 2020 BMW S1000RR 2016 ZX-10R KRT 2016 959 Panigale Red 2015 CBR1000RR SP Repsol 2011 ZX-10R Ebony 2009 ZX-6R Lime Green 2006 ZX-14 Red 2004 VTX 1300C Candy Red "For we walk by faith and not by sight" II Corinthians 5:7

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