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Thread: Ivan's Performance Products.

Created on: 06/09/12 05:32 AM

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 8:47 AM

Nevermind , I talked to Ivan , gonna have to put the flies back in to run his stuff , when he gets the reflash complete gonna go up there have him do a custom tune for my Brock's exhaust and use his ecu with flies in , can't wait

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 9:30 AM

This does not look like a blue bike. The pipe does not look like a Brock syle. Since you are a new poster, no intro, we have a badge here that I bought off of ebay. Makes one the pull down your drawers kind of man or woman are we talking to these days?

Trying to get the techere right, your photos or evidence there of. You see anything wrong with this picture?

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 9:40 AM

Wrong pic homie that's my 06 with full akro exhaust , I will get the right link for you

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 9:42 AM

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 9:45 AM

This is it's first day home , that's my 03 cobra in the back ground it makes 570/525 blower only and 705/823 with a 57 nos jet dry shot

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 9:48 AM

This is it with the boz bros slip on

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Now all of a sudden he can post pic's
06/11/12 9:50 AM

How all of a sudden you sloppyfied these photos? Before you wanted help.

SlopeeJoe Sand Witch HUNT with mayo, pick killed another thread. You need to get one of these badge IS...

...IS That not some funny sloppee shot the shit he was too stew pit once again...

What is the score dis time around? "Ah we don't keep score.' Well you should... LOL

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 9:51 AM

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 9:53 AM

Deleted because some people done deserve to look at pretty women and nice kids

* Last updated by: injfuel on 6/11/2012 @ 11:21 AM *

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 9:55 AM

Guy at work helped me , you cant be pleased can you , I'm trying to be cOmpliant , can't you just say ok you are who you say you are , I had and have the bikes I said I did and do

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 10:05 AM

I wanted to share something on Photobucket with you!

See the fullsize version at:¤t=bbc54048.jpg&evt=user_media_share

Sent from my iPhone

I'm covering my ass is all. How come you could post pics but not this above? As long as I see someone not bracket and then can bracket... You see my sig line? As long as you are fresh meat and greet... Everyone is suspect. Handle it guy. You're reading the chaos.

My sig calls the ball because, well it does. I have no clue who I am talking to. Anyone can take photos off the net and compile. I think you pass. Your photos pan out with legit explanations.

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 10:08 AM

I guess thanks ??? And the guys at work helped me get the photobucket app on my iPhone and showed me how to copy and paste :)

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 10:12 AM

The first attempt was mine that's why it was the wrong pic and only the link , then you made me a little angry questioning me again so I went to my buddy and he showed me where to get the img. Link so I can copy and paste , so I'm pretty pumped now cause I own a lighting fast zx14r and I can post pics on my forum , btw my father in law posted my Dyno sheet pics on the zx10r forum for me hence why I didn't know how to do it here

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 10:18 AM


The sig says it all. I am not usually like this. Ask around. Something is up and your part of the dailies. Now, if you want a legit answer to your flies in or out... Plenty to search on flies. From here on out it is more waiting for whacks next move.

If things settle down, I'd like to ask Ivan a few things too. More generic questions is my way of being schooled and Romes gets his schooling too. It's a win-win. Right now, I have to play this out and wear this individual out. There is a reason for that top end loss in hp.

That is my question to Ivan. Why the loss at WOT? That means without fly. The fly lay horizontal at WOT, so watt is the deal?

* Last updated by: Hub on 6/11/2012 @ 10:20 AM *

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 10:34 AM

I talked to him in the phone at 10:15 eastern time today , he said the stuff on his flash was none of my business , which is how he always talks to me but he is in the business to make money and I'm willing to spend some with him so after some talking we discussed many things and I know why it loses horsepower up top he told me and I'm not telling you because you are not a very nice person , and he is gonna call me when the flash is complete and I'm gonna put my flies back in and he's gonna tune my bike with the brocks cause I'm not giving up that sound , although he said the new akro exhaust has crossover tubes and has a lot less turbulence than my header probably has but doesn't affect hp enough fore to sell mine take a loss then pay a lot more for the akro system

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 10:35 AM

Guy at work helped me , you cant be pleased can you , I'm trying to be cOmpliant , can't you just say ok you are who you say you are , I had and have the bikes I said I did and do
No I can't!

If someone is disrupting another website with and I quote with caps as in page 1 or in other words, I'm giving the heads up to a newbie. DANGEROUS information is to be had here if you see it, there is your heads up. I think you wrench enough to know the difference. You'll see what I mean you hang out long enough or visit the situation at the pond I call it.

You'll read about it or know some info is questionable. Not all of it. Not most of it. I'll say, some of it. I'm not going to point a finger. I'm giving you a heads up about that bottom signature. That says it all these days. I like to throw out that red carpet and see who stands on it. That is the usual suspect.

You never know? It might even show up to discuss what that problem might be? Suck them in as it were.

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 10:36 AM

Really as smart as you say you are you should know because when he told me it made perfect sense

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 10:54 AM

I talked to him in the phone at 10:15 eastern time today , he said the stuff on his flash was none of my business , which is how he always talks to me but he is in the business to make money and I'm willing to spend some with him so after some talking we discussed many things and I know why it loses horsepower up top he told me and I'm not telling you because you are not a very nice person , and he is gonna call me when the flash is complete and I'm gonna put my flies back in and he's gonna tune my bike with the brocks cause I'm not giving up that sound , although he said the new akro exhaust has crossover tubes and has a lot less turbulence than my header probably has but doesn't affect hp enough fore to sell mine take a loss then pay a lot more for the akro system

I think he showed up again?

Ivan? You get lots of calls. This guy sound legit? Why tell me you called eastern time? Why not just say you called him? Didn't you say there was a fat lady with beezonkers? You hung out there? Now you are calling from eastern time to keep score... YOu snow me again cheezey? Your text sounds familiar "gonna" is signature. 'an shit' is your sig. And then the childish, "I'm not telling you?" "You are not a very nice person?"

How come you all of a sudden came on here with a new bike, but we've never seen you all this time with the old bike? A few photos on the net? You have 7 photos and no photos of the older 14? And you know nothing about brackets and all of a sudden you can post an image?

Watch how I see this:

1. I have no intro.
2. My friend showed me.
3. I am such a quick learn of the keystrokes, I now know how to post a pic.
4. I only have 7 photos on bucket.
5. I had an early 14, but I now know your website?
6. I am back to being suspect. Can you see my sig below? Something is not write with this.
7. I have more, but I have to hide those for more play time.

Kind of weird, right?

* Last updated by: Hub on 6/11/2012 @ 10:55 AM *

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 10:56 AM

Really as smart as you say you are you should know because when he told me it made perfect sense

Even this sounds greenie. First he didn't tell you, now he did. It does make perfect sense.

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 11:03 AM

Don't be jealous , I can clearly se your game now and I've played right into it so far , i did talk to him TODAY like it or not , I have money like it or not , this is the most I've ever posted on a forum , it's been kinda fun proving you don't treat people nice just because they don't have 7,000 posts , you should call him his # is on the internet pal , I don't understand YOU not wanting to use the telephone then report back your findings , you are suspect for being a decent human being

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 11:12 AM


Another Daily!

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 11:30 AM

He's the bully in the sandbox hit it on the don't be concerned about 'guessing' about this turd.He's jealous.He's great at saying.."prove it"...but better at running from all questions about his OWN stable of bikes or whatever.Take it from me...he's got a hair up his azz for all the 14R this is what we get when we post on the 14R's really NONE of his business...he doesn't own one...but he's 'running' the 14R section.Real piece of work....gotta be in the spotlight no matter what .

"I can clearly se your game now and I've played right into it so far".....and so do others.You know...I haven't seen a welcome from him in..geez...a long time.And his latest MO of giving new guys the third degree and 'giving them a pass or fail' in regards to legitimacy...this is truly a new low for him.Plenty of new guys on here know their shit....he's not stupid in that respect.When he detects someone with some actually knowledge...he's right on it...trying to get em to split.Just like he's doing with you...fellow 14R owner.I have one too..the Green one.No flies...full Brock's...ECU flashed...PCV.Badazz bike...just like yours.He'll be along shortly now to turn this comment thing here into a sideshow and derail any kind of 14R owner connection if he can...which he's very good at.Look over the recent posts by this's all about trashing's not about the topic at all.Sorry ya got slammed IMMEDIATELY upon touchdown here...disappointing to say the least.Yer bike's's yer fam.Welcome....a bit late...but I had to say something.

* Last updated by: Grn14 on 6/11/2012 @ 11:39 AM *

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 11:30 AM

Right now:

A. There is no name over at the 10 site.
B. The language is the same.
C. The ***** follows the same pattern.
D. This phone call. If Ivan comes to read it, maybe he can remember the day's phone calls?
E. You have to now prove you standing with a sign, your face, next to the bike, I don't care what the sign says. Say I'm a no a nice person, hub and with that on your check holding it up. Stand next to your bike with the sign... Then I'll believe it is you.
F.Things are not adding up. You seem like the same individual only an attempt of a change in text, but same content. Besides, you have a lot of time to reply. Grn has a lot of time to reply. We connecting the dots yet?

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 11:31 AM

LOL... And here comes greenie with a name change LOLOLOLOw can you go?

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RE: Ivan's Performance Products.
06/11/12 11:33 AM

he's got a hair up his azz for all the 14R guys...
Over at the pond, you sure do to there too.

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