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Thread: Good place to replace!

Created on: 08/12/13 10:05 PM

Replies: 46


Hub's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/12/13 10:14 PM

Off Topic is the place
Type away all in your face

Ain't no need to bother bg

Off Topic is all about that poo sea pocket
How you wanna slip the dick like she's the wrench and you're the socket

Oh let ol bg bee

Boy is busy enough just being he
So 'off topic' is the poet's corner be

Be there or be square
I'm about to pull some poo sea hair

Tormenting the motorcycling community one post at a time

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/15/13 9:33 PM

I get that black slut sittin hard on 7 grand,
Waitin waitin, then ya pull that throttle hand.

Like I gotta say, holy shit, who delt this play?
She pulls and sucks and fucks and screams and stutters
She got TC shudders from a g-spot grab and stab all fuckin day.

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/17/13 1:07 AM

I don't get it. Why don't you just go to the "off topic" section and start a poetry thread. If it's posted on consistently, it'll stay on top, an easy find. Clogging every page with this crap will not help your cause. Quit your whining and prove it's a valid topic. Maybe BG isn't ignoring you because he doesn't like the "written word", maybe it's because he has a life and doesn't have time to deal with it.

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/17/13 6:31 AM

You know Reptile's right there is a whinny tone here....hmmm
Rep you literary critique is duly noted.
I retract eating exhaust....

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W's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/17/13 11:27 AM

alg8tr couldn't have said it better. W.

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/17/13 10:06 PM

alg8tr couldn't have said it better. W.

I would tell you to shut the fuck up but you have 11 posts. Everyone can say it better than you apparently. You got it right with ur post count.

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

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djuan333's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/18/13 7:37 PM

An Ode To The 14

Turn the key
thumb to life
a 178 pissed off
ponies penned inside
a liquid-cooled
inline-four starting
gate that rattles
like the throat
of a playful tiger
all the while knowing
the real man-eater
waits in the madness
on the other side of 7 grand
where the animal's
wail drowns out
bosses ex-wives
and all of life's "if onlys"
so over goes a leg
one down into first
free the clutch feel
clarity come over
like a warm rum buzz
then take in some blue sky
as the front rears up
and so too the inner
nine year old you forgot
or gave up for dead
crazed from neglect
he cackles and pisses
high octane adrenalin
on the embers of
an older man's heart
and before long you're
on some nowhere stretch
playing redline tag
tucked in at triple digits
racing a long straight
lost in a bewildering blur
feeling that familiar cold
flame feeding a fleeting
fever that somehow rights
the world and puts you
out in front of your life
ahead of the wind
of Father time himself
for a few prized moments
when you're no longer
a mortal but a deity
riding his Vahanas
an all mighty master
of brute blinding power
of a spectacle of speed
one fashioned for wicked
twists of the wrist
and a heartfelt fuck you
to the "Man" so here's
to the shear madness
to one's soulful harmony
and as I say we all say
long live the legend
that is the fourteen

08 Atomic Silver, Jar-dine RT5 slips, K&N A/F, PC3, Speedo healer, laminar lip.

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djuan333's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/18/13 7:59 PM

Sorry, couldn't help

08 Atomic Silver, Jar-dine RT5 slips, K&N A/F, PC3, Speedo healer, laminar lip.

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/19/13 12:22 AM

Cblast; W might only have 11 posts, but he's been here longer than you. A lot of posts just means you have a lot of free time. He also has the right to an opinion here, even if you don't agree with it. So I could say shut the fuck up!

Wolfman; Name calling? Dinosaur? I guess that makes you a punk.

All I'm saying is I don't want to read poetry in every thread. I never said you can't post it. If I'm reading about a tech problem, I don't want to have the thread hijacked with offensive "poetry". If the thread is titled "poetry" then I know to avoid it. Simple. Your style of poetry offends me, but if you must, post it where it's appropriate.

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/19/13 1:26 AM

Sorry, couldn't help

don't apologize for that buddy. That was excellent!

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/19/13 1:35 AM

Someone put a gun to your head to make ya read it alg8r? When I am tearin down a thread for info I simply weed out the extraneous. If I'm reading a thread about brake upgrades and the Wolfman chimes in with a lyric or hub answers with a riddle, I find it not only interesting but fresh and different than any other motorcycle forum. It's a place filled with people that have a broad and interesting perspective on things. A little prose or a little bad guy from C kinda spices things up. No one here is trying to piss ya off by writing something down. Most are just venting and seeking knowledge from like minded individuals sir. If ya don't like the lyrical side, I would beg ya to skip to the next post and glean what ya can. Its less jackass than suggesting someone with a badass bike and a forum to speak, not. For if we all just shut up, this place ceases to exist. I don't want to 'crowd', anyone's space. Just freely express whatever with no personal filter needed.

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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Joined: 03/29/13

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/20/13 10:32 PM

Way to rep man, way to rep...
That my friend was tight!

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/21/13 1:21 AM

Wolfman; First, you called me a dinosaur, I was just responding to your juvenile name calling by calling you a punk. I thought maybe you'd get it. I guess not.
Second, where did you get the idea I'm a cop? I never said I was one, or implied to being one. I don't know where you got that. I've never been, or ever wanted to be a cop.
Third, I have a nephew that likes to read this forum. I told him to stay out of the off-topic and just read the technical stuff, since that's what he's mainly interested in. Sometimes people forget they aren't the center of the universe, and other people have the right not to expect off-color posts where there shouldn't be. I don't mind some cussing, but some of your stuff is way too much.
Fourth, I have been civil with you since day one. I don't recall ever insulting you personally without you initiating. I just state my position, and when you don't agree, you start the name calling, and personal attacks. Attacking W because he posted a sentence? Because he agrees with me and not you? Then you talk about how great prose and poetry are and anyone that doesn't like it should move on. Not exactly the kind of talk I'd expect from someone with "mad love" for everyone here.

"Some of the best literary works have included course language and slang vernacular, so either you have no appreciation for literary form, as you must read it to know it, or you just plain square."

I'm thinking I've read more literary classics than you, depending on your meaning of "classics". As for "square" that depends on your meaning too. "its broad meaning of a person who respects traditional principles", yes I'd agree. From my pic posts in your thread in the "off topic" section, I wouldn't think you'd call me square.

Cblast; " Its less jackass than suggesting someone with a badass bike and a forum to speak, not. For if we all just shut up, this place ceases to exist. I don't want to 'crowd', anyone's space. Just freely express whatever with no personal filter needed."

This after you posted to W;
"I would tell you to shut the fuck up but you have 11 posts. Everyone can say it better than you apparently. You got it right with ur post count."

Jumping down the throat of anyone that doesn't agree with you does not bespeak this brotherhood you keep talking about. Yes, you have the right to express yourself without a personal filter. If you're in a place where a personal filter isn't expected or required. Do you talk that way at family reunions? To little kids? You have no idea who is reading this forum. Just because you feel you have the right to say what you want, doesn't mean you should. Everyone should have a personal filter.

"seeking knowledge from like minded individuals"

Which I have been doing here since 2007, before BG took over. In those 6 years I don't remember anyone stepping over the line as far as you 2 have in just a couple months. Like I said before, I have no problem with what you do in "off topic". That's what its there for. You say just skip over, but you guys go on for pages. I don't mind the occasional poem/prose as long as it's appropriate.

"Like I gotta say, holy shit, who delt this play?
She pulls and sucks and fucks and screams and stutters
She got TC shudders from a g-spot grab and stab all fuckin day."

In my opinion, this is just garbage, and not appropriate. I used to read stuff like that on bathroom walls in grade school.

Last. This is not your forum, it's BG's. His name is on here. Friends, family, coworkers, other forum members, and industry professionals visit this forum. I for one have been proud of the reputation of this forum as one that you can expect technical knowledge, a friendly atmosphere, and an intelligent exchange. I'm not saying it's always perfect, and I don't want it to be, but for only the second time in 6 years I'm not feeling it. If this is the future of "literary classics", public conversation, and personal pride, then I weep for the future.

* Last updated by: alg8er on 8/21/2013 @ 1:28 AM *

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/22/13 12:38 AM

The jump down the throat was mainly to Cblast for his reply to W. The post was separated about halfway, but it wasn't as clear as I thought. I took the "dinosaur" as a snide comment, saying I'm old and extinct. So I replied with the snide punk comment. No anger. I'm not policing, it's just that the forum has changed after you and Cblast started posting. Suddenly off color threads with pics and language were popping up in places they were never allowed before. If you did that on other bike forums, you'd be suspended or banned. BG has probably just been too busy to address it, or didn't notice. Maybe it's not too much for him, I don't know. Just voicing my opinion. I've read a lot of forums, member of a few, and I have never read that kind of stuff, or seen pics like that other than on off topic pages. Maybe it's the harley forums I don't visit. Then you say you buried it here, and I criticize. I don't get it. Several people have told you to take it to the off topic page. Why is that so difficult? Even BG told you to set up a poll and he'd abide by the outcome. Where is it? If you want a poetry section, then go through the steps outlined, and put it in the section set up for it. Easy peasy! There's a reason NSFW pics and language are "off topic". Once again, I am not saying you can't post it. I'm just saying post it where it's appropriate. What's the problem?
We had a misunderstanding before. I wasn't pissed then, and I'm not now. I have no problem with you, or your posts. Just the location.
I reserve the word "love" for people I actually love. I don't throw the word around easily. I don't love pizza, my bike, my car, etc.. So.... mad peace!

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/22/13 5:22 AM

Mad peace!

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/23/13 12:52 AM

Mainly I was worried that with NSFW pics and language scattered all over, we'd lose more than we gained. If a few people do it, it tends to spread. I was in a home theater forum, and when the porn started getting posted everywhere, it died fast. There's an off topic section for a reason. I just hope Cblast didn't bail.

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/23/13 3:14 AM

Page Two

Still think my posts are sedate.


* Last updated by: Wolfman on 8/23/2013 @ 6:40 AM *

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Grn14's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/23/13 7:58 AM

Porn?Someone mention Porn?

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/23/13 8:06 AM


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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/24/13 12:06 AM

Well, there is the Phatastic thread in zx14r.

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/24/13 10:56 PM

After I brought it up, I was thinking you started the thread but didn't really post any pics. Unfortunately I didn't have time to correct myself. Sorry about that. As for my post there, it was sedate compared to some, but yeah, I'm so used to those threads being in off topic that I didn't think about it. I apologize, and have requested my wife to give me a good spanking. I did NOT, however, tell her what it was for. I did notice that the pics were deleted from the first few pages. I don't know if BG did that or not. I also noticed Cblast hasn't posted. I hope it's not for good.

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/27/13 6:46 PM

Hey alg8r, I didn't bail, was just thinkin. Here is my perspective. I saw wolf start a thread, hub banged a rhyme, I chimed in, then you said ur peace. Then wolf bites back a little. The he didn't delete his post, he just re-communicated. Maybe still aggressive Wolfman, but hey. That's my bro. Then fella chimes in with 'couldn't have said it better'.

Here's where I got irritated.
1. That's my brother Wolfman
2. I didn't chime in when u and he were bantering. Hub didnt. we let you two talk about it. I chimed in when some guy with 11 posts ran his suck out of turn in my humble opinion. I have a weird system, I know. Some people get it. Some don't. I tend not to filter. If I see my little nephew being talked to out of turn by an adult at a party cause he or she doesn't like the rap music, I do talk just like that. My honor code is unique maybe. I don't know. Don't care. It's mine.

I want to clarify. This is my 1500th post. Which is cool. And I never ever intend to bully or crush another's opinion. I just fought for my right to mine. I try not to be a bully. When I see something that makes my radar ping, I usually bite first just because I am me. I try not injure. I get aggravated when faced with goofiness. :)) not at you sir. Not trying to be all passive aggressive bullshit now either. Just trying to explain.

* Last updated by: Cblast on 8/27/2013 @ 6:51 PM *

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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alg8er's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/28/13 1:02 AM

Cblast; That's cool. No anger here, I have really thick hard skin. Just having a hard time getting my points across, and understanding your style. Glad you're still here.

Before your criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them, you're a mile away and have their shoes.

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/28/13 4:28 AM

I know man, I run into it all the time. I am sorely tempted to write a thread under this section explaining more about me. But I am not ready to do that yet. :)
I do use a vernacular that is harsh. I heard it in Hyattsville Maryland. I recruited into the corps out of the little recruiting station across from the little mall in the worst part of town. I chose that place on purpose. I am from an island off the coast of Alaska. I drive across country to enlist in the marine corps so that I would be attending boot camp at the CORRECT ONE. Parris Island, SC.
In that foreign element I spent time helping my recruiter and learning. Learning about people. Learning about street respect. I never forgot one single thing. There was massive value in the harsh code those men and women in that hard place in America lived by every day. There are members here that INSTANTLY pick up on some of that BECAUSE they, like Wolfman, came from, or have been a part of, a hard part of North America or any place like that. I go back to visit once in awhile. I still have a family there that I stay with and cook a meal for once in awhile. The minute I got out of my rental car until my recruiter put me on the bus to boot camp(I spent a month helping recruit prior to going to bootcamp as that can help with promotions down the line), I respected them, they respected me. I had not one single problem. Wait. I did. I had a problem with the recruiter from the office across the hall, won't say what branch, he had this big life size cardboard cut out of a douchebag that he kept putting IN FRONT of the marine corps recruiting office. Haha big joke. Nope. Pissed me off. Respect. I cut the head off of it with my pocket knife and stuck it the nearest urinal. :)) then I went to boot camp to become a machinegunner. Which has nicely rounded out my personality. ;)

* Last updated by: Cblast on 8/28/2013 @ 5:18 AM *

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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Cblast's Gravatar

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RE: Good place to replace!
08/28/13 5:15 AM

Second, where did you get the idea I'm a cop? I never said I was one, or implied to being one. I don't know where you got that. I've never been, or ever wanted to be a cop.

See Wolf! I told ya G8r ain't such a bad guy, he fuckin hates pigs too.

Disciple of the 14R
Vincit Qui Patitur

Predator Race Team #23 - Priscilla ~ 118.85 ft.lbs. of TORQUE
Call to get CBLASTED • 360-649-8047

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