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Thread: OUCH !

Created on: 07/25/22 04:11 PM

Replies: 10


Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

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07/25/22 4:11 PM

Well, I'm not as good as I used to be.
Last Thursday I decided to ride my DR650 to town using the "back way". The back way is around 20 miles round trip of dirt, gravel and lava rocks. Last time I went through there on my KTM the road was in decent shape. So, since ignorance is bliss, I pootled out of my driveway with a smile on my face. Got to the turnoff and joined the dirt section. Hmmm, this road looks nothing like the last time I was on it. Embedded boulders and entire sections of loose lava rocks. Well, wouldn't you know it. One of those lava rocks decided to roll out from under my front tire and " TIMMMBERRRRR!" down I went on my left side. I didn't feel my surgically repaired knee have any pain so that was good. SAT report Captain... Its rocky, its dusty, its hot and, oh yeah, my left foot is stuck under the swing arm. I laid there in the sunlight considering chewing my leg off but with some twisting and yanking I finally got my foot free. Stripped off my gear and sat in some shade while I contemplated my life choices. My left ankle was now sending me messages that ibuprofen was in my near future. I studied the bike. Flat on its left side. Too low for me to squat it up even if I had 2 good knees. Tried the ole laying across the seat and walking it up...Nope. Bike just wanted to slide. So, I did the right thing and tried to just manhandle it up. Welp, I got it up to almost 45 degrees before the cereal celebrities, Snap ,Crackle and Pop decided to make an appearance in my lower back.
Bike immediately dropped back to its former position. Back now throbbing. Are we having fun yet ??? No cell signal and, since its a weekday, nobody coming by. I searched for matches for a signal fire,( using the bike), but, alas, didn't have any. So after sitting some more, now with a dry cotton mouth, I decided to tuck my pride away and walked back a half mile to a house and help. Great guy drove me back and helped me right the bike. At least it fired right up after laying on its side for an hour.
Learned a few things.
DR650 is HEAVY
My gear did a good job saving my bacon
Slow down on unfamiliar roads
Most importantly, buy a trail jack that can get the bike back on it's wheels. I'm buying the Moto Winch from Denmark.
And get a GPS tracking device.

So the last couple days I've been nursing my back and ankle. Things are slowly improving.


* Last updated by: Maddevill on 7/25/2022 @ 4:13 PM *

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Rook's Gravatar

Joined: 03/28/09

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07/30/22 10:34 AM

That there is a beautiful writeup, Mad. I mean it totally sucks what happened to you but you captured it so well. honest to god, I really experienced this shitty thing that happened to you because you wrote it so well. Most of all I'm glad you weren't hurt too badly and I presume the bike isn't in too bad of shape either.


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Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

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07/31/22 10:59 AM

Thanks Rook. I enjoy writing of my "adventures". Try to see some humor in them.
Bike is fine. In fact, when I was sitting next to it panting like a dog, I could have sworn I heard it chuckling.
Bastard !


Owner of KNGKAW.

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Daddyrabbit's Gravatar


Behind you,skewed to the right

Joined: 05/13/20

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08/03/22 12:24 PM

Dang pal

Ile be damned

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chrly's Gravatar

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08/05/22 4:06 PM

What does that DR650 weigh Mad ? I wanted something like that to take a trail occasionally but weight was a huge factor..and electric start :) ... I wound up with a 310# or so Kaw 250sf Need to pick up a set of tires first tho as it was used as a commuter in the bay area ..

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streetsweeper's Gravatar

Location: Lompoc, CA

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08/10/22 11:21 PM

Ouch, crashes hurt, Glad your ok tho. Always move out smartly, With an over sized tank i like to run 21 psi up front and 15 in the rear. That bike gots some weight but a few extra pounds keeps it from getting pitched around. Bike is like 300+ and some.

Have you ever thought of riding the lost coast?

Did you sell your KTM?

* Last updated by: streetsweeper on 8/10/2022 @ 11:28 PM *

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Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

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08/11/22 9:51 AM

Yeah I sold the " Bike That Shall Not Start". Paid half as much for the DR. I had 23 psi in the front when I went down. Way too much. What I used to dirt ride I usually ran 13-15. DR stock weighs 366 empty.
I've never ridden the Lost Coast and won't until I get the trail jack and emergency radio.


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streetsweeper's Gravatar

Location: Lompoc, CA

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08/13/22 9:52 AM

A bike with a full tank of gas or with the weight of the drz, I would run 21 up front if im twisting the throttle on hard pack with rocks, anything under 18 and your asking for trouble, even on an asphalt road and you hit a pot hole square on youll pinch the tube, "snake bite" or smack your rim.

I also like to run some desert tires, they have stiffer side walls, and if you do go flat and your still aways off you can ride it flat. dunlop desert, maxxis desert, pirrelli mt 21's are good,I dont like heavy duty tubes either, so i stick to regulars.

Im sure when the time comes youll pick some decent tires for ya bike.

What about your "Big Red Snake" madd ya 14. Do you run the psi the manual recomends ? I know i do, for what i do lol.

As for off road i would prefer to lose a little traction on a ride then being stuck fixing a flat.

* Last updated by: streetsweeper on 8/13/2022 @ 10:02 AM *

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Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

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08/13/22 10:07 AM

Well, I took the DR out again yesterday and, since I just can't get enough pain and suffering, I tried yet another dirt road. This one I knew was in decent shape though. No problems until I got back on pavement and discovered that my front tire was now flat. So I did the right thing and rode it back on the highway at 60 mph. Ill do a write up on it later.
The big ZX is fine. I'm trailer ing it down to the Bay Area next weekend to lead a group ride.


Owner of KNGKAW.

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Rook's Gravatar

Joined: 03/28/09

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08/13/22 10:16 PM

Woah, dude. You live life dangerously. I rode a flat on the rear once but the front?


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Maddevill's Gravatar

Location: Hayward, CA

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08/14/22 9:46 AM

Well Rook, apparently Death Wings are made of crystallized carbon. They feel like almost solid rubber. But maybe it's because they're 20 years old.


Owner of KNGKAW.

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